I got my boyfriend/ partner/ whatnot to journey down to Windsor Button with me Sunday during the Knit Out to pick out buttons for the black cardigan I am knitting him. (There are actually six of these - five for the button flap, one for emergencies.)
As you can see, he's already getting the required alottment of cat hair in his sweater.
Those are AWESOME. I'm jealous!
That isn't the required allotment of cat hair. Perhaps I need Isis to re-educate Jameison so that he knows that the required allotment of white cat hair is enough to make people wonder if the black yarn is actually gray ;-)
Just curious I have not seen a windsor button store in years? You have one in Boston? I'm in the metro west area.
Renee: Windsor Button is on Temple Place, about a block from the Park St. T and the Commons near a cowboy store and a wig store. Thursdays they're open until 7pm.
Love the buttons, those are great!
Those are cute! Well, as cute as pirates can be.
Thanks! Next time I'm in Boston I'm going to look. :-)
ARRGH...LOVE the buttons!
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