Wednesday, August 28, 2013

More funky socks

Way back when I made my first pair of funky socks I'd done it reluctantly.Then the praise started rolling in when I wore them out in public. (A lot of directed from my co-workers, a bunch of middle class, very straight-laced architects. I was baffled.) And, they were practical, comfortable socks. Soon they became my favorite socks and I even ripped out the top of them to use up the rest of the yarn.
Now the snow can blow up my pants leg all it wants.
I went out of my way to make these funky socks.

Well, if you count randomly stumbling across a yarn sale while waiting for an appointment going out of your way. But the moment I saw the yarn, I was full of intention. Yes, yes, I know that's how it is with yarn romances. It seduces you in the store and you totally have plans for it, sort of. But I really did it this time.
The wide band of tan at the toe goes on the BOTTOM
I started at the toe with a provisional cast on of 30 on my usual US #2 needles so that I could use up all the yarn by making the leg as long as possible. This was also my first experience with the toe-up heel flap, and I loved it. I tried to make the second sock match the first as much as possible, but I got the top on the bottom and the bottom on the top... and I had to have a little talk with myself about whether I really needed to rip the whole thing out and turn it over or not. I decided to let it be, but I still think about it. I just try not to look when I'm putting it on. I can cope. I think.

The quilt is equally chaotic.
They fit nicely, and they are definitely funkalicious. So funkalicous that I was baffled for most of the first sock about what came next, color-wise. It seems that the alternation of the blue stripes happens every other repeat of the entire sequence of colors. I've never encountered this kind of thing before. Was it a manufacturing mistake? Intentional? I don't know. But lucky me, nobody liked the how strange the skeins of yarn looked, so I got these socks for less than $10.
Close-up of foot in sock.

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