Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Comissioned Baby Hat Sets

Today I:
  • slurped a little kefir and then grabbed a coffee by work and ate the rest of V's breakfast sandwich;
  • ate a cookie;
  • had a pre-lunch turkey sandwich;
  • am still hungry. Go figure!
Around Thanksgiving I was commissioned via my etsy shop to make three sets of baby/toddler beanie and scarves. Here is the result:

Set #1:
For a one year old girl. Yellow 100% wool beanie and scarf with hand embroidery. It was really difficult to find an economical but good 100% wool yellow yarn quickly, but a vigilant search yielded a single ply wool that is relatively soft after washing.
It really is this yellow!

Hand embroidered flower

Note hand embroidered flower that matches hat embroidery
Tomorrow: Set #2.

1 comment:

Jeanette said...
