Saturday, September 14, 2013

she has gone down!

would you believe I'm typing this ever so slowly with my smart phone?

years ago when I started this blog this idea would be inconceivable. Not just because of technological innovation but because my then partner-boyfriend-whatnot was quite a Luddite. He might not have kicked up too much of a stink because he fancied himself to not be a controlling type of person, but I certainly would have known his opinion.

I remember the day I got my first cellphone. A more clandestine meeting could not have been arranged than going into that cellphone store. I went far beyond my usual haunts to open the box and activate the phone. I knew I couldn't possibly run into him there because he had a very predictable routine.

When I got home later I just ever so casually mentioned the phone and that was that. That was a bit surprising since this was the same guy who had once insisted that we didn't really need a land line at home. Or perhaps it was because of that incident; he'd been the one in the end who was most inconvenienced by the lack of a phone and called to get one put in.

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