Wednesday, August 13, 2008

And so it goes

Yesterday evening, I:

  • ate a piece of milk chocolate from the British Isles;

  • had a gulp of banana/apricot/Russian yogurt/orange juice smoothie;

  • ate leftover bread sticks with sharp cheddar cheese melted on top (new toaster oven!);

  • had about a cup and a half of sauteed chopped spinach with garlic, red onion, and butter;

  • drank some warm Sprite.

I know, I make it sound so glamorous.

Today, I:

  • had half a cup of the fruit smoothie for breakfast before running out the door;

  • ate a plain bagel with cream cheese from a dreaded coffee chain near my work;
  • am drinking Lipton with no sugar or cream;
  • forgot lunch!

Cat Update

So that little tabby I just got? He is very shy, unless you catch him and make him like it. However, he has interesting nocturnal tendencies. For instance, I was lying in bed this weekend - about to pass out- I mean, fall asleep - after getting back from a show in the city - and I felt something at the foot of the bed. Then I felt something on my foot. Then my other foot. I tried to move, but that only encouraged this mysterious entity, this... toe biter. (After a half hour, it stopped.)

Since Jamieson hasn't perpetuated this kind of bedroom behavior in at least five years, I have reason to believe it was the kitten, Simon. This has since been confirmed, because he gets very excited when I am about to lay down for the night. He even goes to far as to walk up my chest and look at me to see if I am moving my hands under the covers. Then I say something, and poof! he is away, because he then remembers I am in the room. And I am so scary! So scary, it takes him about a half hour to come back and do it all over again.


Anonymous said...

You terrifying beast you. Does he drape over your legs? Aw. Kitten.

Has watching your salt intake helped you cut down? Because that list? Is salt heavy. :) How's your hand? Back to it's normal size?

Jeanette said...

So Simon is a toe biter? What fun for you. I guess you could look at it as a good thing, he is starting to be more friendly towards you...