Thursday, July 27, 2006

Blogger hates me, my Secret pal loves me

I still can't upload pictures, and I'll be astonished if I can even post this. Grrr!

But - on an up-note - my Secret Pal 8 package came. My Secret Pal must have a line to a security camera in my LYS or something because she sent me 3 balls of black Regia Silk sock yarn, and I have been to my LYS no less than three times in the past two weeks to feel the stuff they have there. Coincidence?

Maybe. (Looking over shoulder.)

She also sent me a pack of notecards that are very nice and more ginger candy. (If I could post the photo you'd be able to see that the package is already open.)

All of this was enveloped in some hummingbird tissue paper. Hummingbird tissue paper! Where is this stuff found? Maybe I'm living under a rock or something, because all the tissue paper I ever see is solid, and mostly pastels.

Actually, I'm pretty certain I am living under a rock. I've never seen a podcast, I have no idea what an MP3 is, and I've spent the past couple days being very excited that I know trigonometry so that I can do sewage calculations. (This, of course, totally perplexes my boyfriend/ partner/ whatnot, who still has flashbacks to nuns beating him whenever he is asked to do math. The sewage part he finds funny. But just think: when armagedden comes, and there are only a hundred people left alive in your city, who will know where everybody should pee so that the water supply isn't contaminated, giving everyone cholera? That's right! Me. Isn't that a happy thought?)


Darn that Blogger.


Carrie K said...

That is a great thought. Thing.

Anonymous said...

Yay! I can't believe it took that long to get there, but I'm happy you like it!
(I almost kept the sock yarn for myself... almost. I hope it's as nice to work with as it feels on the skein.

wenders said...

Oh, dearie. Podcasting is audio, not video... it's like lots and lots of independent radio stations. ;)

Unknown said...

See? I didn't even know that.

Anonymous said...

I'm definitely keeping you in MY lifeboat if disaster strikes! Matters of the toilet take the highest priority in my idea of a civilized world.

BTW, there are some good knitting podcasts, so you might want to come over to the dark side and give them a sample, if you're interested.

Anonymous said...

P.S. I finally just got around to reading the new Knitty and they have a whole article about knitting podcasts! Here's the link.

Jeanette said...

Being out of the loop for a week, Wendy beat me to the podcast comment. But, at least you are not alone in never seeing a podcast ;-)