Thursday, February 16, 2006

Day 6

Right Sleeve Begun

I did about 2 hours last night before I pooped out. I'm determined to have this sweater finished and drying by bedtime tonight so that I can wear it tomorrow. I was going to block it then sew up the seams with black embroidery floss, but since it needs to be ready by 7 am, I'm going to sew it up with yarn and then block it. I hope it comes out alright. I seamed the back of the collar and it looks very awkwardly done to me. Hopefully, that's just me being overcritical of my own work.

Speaking of which...

Sometimes the criticism is justified, and it's entirely the project's fault. Therefore, I present (as a gift from me to all of you Knitathletes who may be feeling a bit overwhelmed and frustrated) this button:



wenders said...

OMG. I am adding this right now. RIGHT NOW. You crack me up.

Jeanette said...

Very cute button, good job. Have to check with my co-blogger before I add it, but I am angling to adding it!

Anonymous said...

Most excellent and amusing button. You go from strength to strength.

Dana S. Whitney said...

Thanks for the button... I'm not quite there.... TODAY.... but I'll save it just in case... maybe post Olympics... I'm thinking of knitting a throw. (Hope it isn't a throw-up... you know?)